Graphic Novels
AL Media has several publications in graphic novel, comic, and zine formats. Alex has self-published his original storyline for The Titan Chronicles, a Dystopian Sci-Fi set in the future on Saturn's moon.
There is also 28 Years Later, a new response to the 28 Days and Weeks Later franchise.
A collage series about the impact of the agricultural industry around the world. The visual vine was inspired by a 8 month story by National Geographic in 2015. See a glimpse of reality...
A dystopian science fiction story that is set on Saturn's moon Titan. The futuristic story is a highlight of my graphic novels. There is one other volume published and a third in draft form...
A story about a man and a dog in a post apocalyptic world. The man is tormented by the memories of a pandemic that swiped away his family. He is the last person on Earth...