Cornelia Volk is a German Videographer with an impressive background whose latest work follows animals at the border of geo-political zones. She made several films of the MDR series "Abenteuer Zoo“ and "Europas wilder Osten“ as well as about transboundary conservation areas or so-called "Peace Parks" all over the world.
She was born in Heilbronn, Germany, June, 6th 1970. After grammar school she studied political science, German literature and rhetoric in Tuebingen. Since 1997 she has been working as a freelance author and director for Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk and the European Cultural Channel Arte.
Alex met Cornelia at Colorado Environmental Film Festival, where our debut documentary, "Humans and Elephants" premiered in the US. We hope you enjoy this very special episode speaking with Cornelia Volk about her inspiring work!
From the documentary "In the heart of the Balkans - in search of the Lynx" (Im Herzen des Balkans - Auf der Suche nach dem Luchs) ©Cornelia Volk
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